Presidential State Addres on the 66th Anniversary of Independence of RI, Jakarta, 16 Agustus 2011

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Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011
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Jakarta, 16 August 2011






Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

May we all be bestowed with prosperity,

Honourable Speaker, Vice Speakers and Members of the Regional Representatives Council of the Republic of Indonesia,

Honourable Speaker, Vice Speakers and Members of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia,

Distinguished Chairman, Vice Chairmen and Members of State Institutions,

Excellencies Ambassadors and Heads of International Agencies and Organizations,

Fellow Countrymen,

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,


Let us together, once again, express our high praise and gratitude to God the Almighty, Allah SWT, for due to His blessings and compassion bestowed upon us we are still given the opportunity, strength, and, God willing, the health, to continue our worship, our work, as well as duty and devotion to our beloved community, nation and country.


We are also grateful that, this morning, in the holy month of Ramadan that is full of blessings and mercy of Allah SWT, we are able to attend the Joint Session of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR-RI) together with the Regional Representatives Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPD-RI), in the Commemoration of the 66th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia.


On this auspicious occasion, I would like to offer my good wishes to our fellow Muslims who are observing the fasting month all across the motherland. May our religious observance in this Holy month of Ramadan be accepted by Allah SWT.


Similar to previously in 2010, this state address will be continued this afternoon, by the Government Statement on the Bill on the State Budget for the 2012 Fiscal Year and its Financial Note. The two addresses I am delivering today before the honourable representatives of the people and the honourable representatives of the regions are in fact addresses I am directing to the entire people of Indonesia.


Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,


Today is truly a special day and simultaneously abounding with meanings. Tomorrow, 17 August 2011, will coincide with 17 Ramadan 1432 Hegira, when each and every citizen of Indonesia across all corners of the archipelago will celebrate together a most historic day to all of us. The entire Indonesian people will celebrate the 66th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Independence of our country. On that very momentous date, our fellow Muslims will commemorate the Nuzulul Qur'an, the day when the Koran Holy Scripture was revealed to Prophet Muhammad SAW. We are profoundly grateful for we shall be commemorating two historic events at the same time.


History has recorded that the proclamation of the independence of our nation on Friday, 17 August 1945, which coincided with 9 Ramadan 1364 Hegira, was not a coincidence. Bung Karno, the proclaimer had planned it well. In a heated debate in Rengasdengklok - when he was pressurized by youth leaders to proclaim the independence as soon as possible on that very day - Bung Karno stated firmly that the appropriate time to proclaim independence was on 17 August.


From this day and onwards, we must give meaning to the independence in its most profound essence. Independence does not only free us from oppression, but it should also encourage us to work harder. Independence is not only an extraordinary moment that we celebrate each year, but it is also to unite us in overcoming the daunting challenges facing the nation and state. Independence is not only fortifying self-reliance, but it is also an invitation along with other nations to encourage cooperation and partnerships to create a better world. Above all else, independence is in reality a bridge to attain an Indonesian nation and state that is more just, prosperous, leading, and dignified.


Fellow Countrymen,


In the present day, the world is facing an uncertain global situation; among others are the debt crises in several European countries, a strong turbulence to the global economy due to the instability of the economy of the United States; political crises in some Middle Eastern and North African countries, the recovery that is yet to come of the Japanese economy in the post- tsunami and nuclear reactor disaster, as well as the fluctuations of  world commodity prices, especially food and energy.


Within the country, although political stability could be maintained, and economic growth continues to improve, we still have to remain vigilant. I have called on all the government apparatus to increase their vigilance so that the detrimental impact from the worsening economic situation in Europe and the United States can be carefully anticipated. All policy instruments to face the crisis have been in place and are ready to be used when required. Although economic development in Europe and the United States do not bring pleasing news to the world, we possess sufficient self confidence to surmount that uncertain situation.      


We have the experience in overcoming the global crisis that persisted throughout 2008 and 2009. Through the hard work exerted by all parties and by means of accurate fiscal and economic policies, we have proven to the world that we have succeeded in assuaging the adverse impacts of the crisis. Before this august assembly, let us hope that we shall be able to surmount once again the downsides of the economic crisis that hit the two regions. I believe that the experience in prevailing over the global economic crisis in 2008-2009 coupled with hard work and cooperation amongst us all will bring safety to this country.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


In ten years of reform, we have successfully, and very impressively, traversed through the currents of history that were not easy to sail. We are able to answer the challenges of the times and the demands of the people to carry out fundamental changes. We are now emerging as one of the most stable and established democratic countries in Asia. Our country is recorded as the third largest democracy in the world. In Southeast Asia, our state is currently recorded as the country with the biggest economic scale. And now, many observers have coined Indonesia as an emerging economy, and no longer as a - Third World Economy - which for more than 60 years has always been associated with our country.


At this moment, our country also possesses a very good opportunity - the best that we ever had - to become one of ten countries with the biggest economic scale of the world in the next two to three decades.  All the achievements that we have attained in recent years confirm one conviction: that the road towards a better future lies in front of us and await us to take it together.  Thank God, we find ourselves in a very encouraging situation. With full self confidence yet still with modesty, I assure that we are not a country on the brink of failure or bankruptcy. The self perception about a failed country has actually dissipated shortly after we managed to completely emerge from the multi-dimensional crisis that struck throughout 1998-1999. Back then, our country was in a very critical state. Our economic growth was, at the time, negative since it experienced a contraction; nearly all of our financial and banking institutions lost the trust of market players; both at home and abroad; we also faced communal conflicts based on ethnic and religious issues in a number of regions, and with the same gravity, we also encountered threats of territorial disintegration. Those were when the phenomenon of a failed and bankrupt state was right in front of our eyes.  


Since we successfully held the first democratic election in 1999 that was carried out peacefully, actually we were gradually disposing of the most serious threats in undertaking a democratic transition. During those early transition periods, new institutions at the state level were established to strengthen general principles upheld and honoured in a democracy such as the checks and balances principle, participation and public control principle, freedom of the press, and respect for human rights. This country has also quickly encouraged decentralization as well as real and extensive regional autonomy. And since the dawn of the United Indonesia Cabinet, I continuously and consistently promote the enforcement of the rule of law. Gradually as well, the depiction of a failed country drifted farther away from our view.  


On the contrary, far from such pessimistic view, Indonesia is actually in her best situation to grow and develop towards progress. With every achievement in the economic and political fields we have gained in less than ten years, with all the geographic, natural as well as human resources potentials we possess, and with all the state institution infrastructures that have, are being, and will continue to be reformed, I cannot but utter that the advanced and leading Indonesia is right in front our very eyes.


These heartening condition can only be embraced if we remain united and cast aside every obstacle coming in our way. In addition to those achievements and results, the Government is fully aware that there are still numerous problems and challenges for us to both face and overcome. None of the problems and challenges is easy to deal with. However, with hard work, cooperation, solidarity and robust spirit of nationalism pervading the leaders and the people, it is beyond any doubt that we can both deal and go through it all successfully and gracefully. Criticism to the Government is undoubtedly needed as well as essential. Nonetheless, what the Government needs is the corrective inputs and feedbacks rather than cynical and pessimistic ones.


Above all, let us not be a despairing nation. On the contrary, let us be grateful for all that we have; because it is the gratitude that can make us remain optimistic to be a developed and advanced nation.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


In this auspicious occasion, I need to emphasize that we have with us the full commitment to uphold the principal of law state through rule of law, supremacy of law, as well as the equality before the law. The rule of law principle emphasizes that the execution of state power should be based on the law rather than on mere power. The law supremacy principle underlines that law stands above all institutions and citizens, and only to law they abide. In the end, the equality before the law puts the strong emphasize that every citizen, regardless of who he/she is, possess the equal obligation before the law. Those mean that upholding law and justice is a constitutional mandate that becomes the Government's priority.


One of our main agendas in the nation's reformation and development is that law and justice are well-sustained. Justice-for-all. We certainly do not want that law is only harsh and goes only for the weaks and the unfortunates. However, we need to acknowledge that the upholding of law and justice remain as a great challenge.


There have been a number of legal cases that draw public attentions intensively. One of the cases is the death sentence for an Indonesian citizen in Saudi Arabia. The sentence has become a shot to the heart for all of us. Since the number of Indonesian workers in various fields abroad is a huge, there are indeed a large number as well of those who breech the law of the country where they live and work. Due to the charges for criminal acts and heavy violations, such as homicide and drugs, our brothers and sisters are facing death penalty, some of which even have been executed.


Undoubtedly, we need to keep fighting in the name of humanity and justice, to plead for forgiveness or sentence-reductions. Not only me personally, but the Government are actively appealing for both forgiveness and reductions of sentences, in written form and verbally, the Government has formed a Task Force, specifically undertaking the crucial diplomatic missions and legal efforts. Thank God, Alhamdulillah, despite the highly-challenging nature of the mission, since every country possesses its own system of justice, our efforts have come to show some results. A number of Indonesian citizens facing death penalty have been granted forgiveness and sentence reductions.


Learning from the experiences and lessons, onward, the supervision towards the preparation and dispatching of our workers by the private employment recruitment agencies (PPTKIS) will be constricted in order to ensure that our brothers and sisters thoroughly comprehend the law, rules and norms applied in the country where they both live and work.


In relation to our work force issues overseas, the Government continues to work on diplomacy and negotiation with the Government of the friendly countries, so that through the right MoU, Indonesia Work Forces can truly receive a good protection and assurance of their rights as well as their obligations. The policy to temporarily halt the dispatch of work force to Saudi Arabia that we have been implementing, for instance, is aimed to increase both protection and rights-assurance of the work force abroad. Truth be told, Ladies and Gentlemen, that in line with the acceleration and broadening of Indonesia's economic development we will undertake within the next 15 years, we hope there will be more job opportunities at home so that our brothers and sisters will no longer have to work in informal sectors and become maids abroad. This is very important as it has to do with our dignity and self esteem as a nation.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


We are also obliged to continue to enhance the prevention and eradication of the criminal acts of corruption without discrimination, by way of persistently advancing the principles of transparency and accountability. After struggling relentlessly for a long time, the best moment has come for us to free Indonesian from corruption. Our corruption perception index is currently improving. Transparency International has given Indonesia the corruption perception index of 2.0 in 2004. It increased into 2.8 in 2010. At the same time, the improvement of perception index was 0.8, which is the highest among all ASEAN countries.


Nevertheless, we have to admit that the effectiveness of the corruption eradication still has to be improved. Therefore, the anti corruption regulation still has to be perfected. Anti corruption institutions such as Corruption Eradication Commission, Court of Criminal Acts of Corruption, Centre for Financial Transaction Reporting and Analysis, and Witness and Victims Protection Agency must be strengthened and their working effectiveness should be supported. Efforts to weaken the KPK must be prevented with all our might. The ongoing selection process of KPK leaders must be jointly monitored in order to produce integrated and professional KPK leaders. For that reason, the internal work mechanism of the KPK must continue to be perfected to keep it sterile from being contaminated by the corruption disease. At the same time, we encourage and support the ranks of the Attorney's Office and the Indonesian Police to always keep their houses in order and continue the reforms. Those two law enforcement institutions must become institutions with integrity and credibility before the public.


Combating terrorism as part of our law enforcement efforts must be continued to be conducted. The eradication of terrorism sometimes requires repressive measures, because terrorism acts gravely jeopardize public safety and endanger the authority of the state before the eyes of the public. Nevertheless, we also apply preventive approaches through de-radicalization efforts that involve various elements of the society. The result is truly gratifying. The government and the people work hand in hand and make the de-radicalization program as a joint act and responsibility. To all of these, we have gained quite a few. We have uncovered, thwarted and prevent many acts of terrorism at an early stage.  Acts of terrorism violence could be prevented from their early stages. With those measures, we hope to weaken those acts of terrorism and God Willing, Insya Allah, in turn, we will eliminate them from our country.


In relation to the security disturbances that occasionally still occur in Papua, the government will continue to take firm measures to guarantee the safety of the people's lives and the sovereignty of the unitary state of the republic of Indonesia. 



Bearing in mind the existing complex problems, the government has enacted policies that ensure development in Papua that brings about the future for the Papuans that is more fair, secure, peaceful and prosperous. In the political field, through the special autonomy, the government has delegated higher authority to the regional government to conduct development in accordance with the sources they have. In the last five years, the government has also carried out quite a few fiscal decentralization to directly support the acceleration of development in Papua. Papua has also become one of the economic corridors in the master plan of the acceleration and extension of the Indonesian economic development. The government policy that prioritizes more on the approaches of economic development is expected to improve the welfare of the Papuans. Managing Papua with heart is the key to all the steps to make Papua as the future of Indonesia.


Distinguished ladies and gentlemen,


In the political domain, we succeeded to carry out the consolidation process of democracy that is proven to be increasingly stable and acknowledged by the international community as the best consolidation process in Asia and Africa. The biggest challenge that we are facing is how to improve the quality of political participation as well as the public trust towards the institutions of democracy. In term of public participation, we all do hope that the breadth of participation is also accompanied by in-depth knowledge and wisdom as well as involve aesthetics and a dignified political ethic. In term of public trust towards the institutions of democracy, we have to encourage those institutions to be more effective and prestigious. Therefore, the main four pillars of democracy in this country, namely Judicial, Legislative, Executive Institutions and media should not be only autonomous and independent but also more transparent and accountable in front of public. Moreover, all democratic institutions, without exception, should not only have to observe the process but also quality-oriented; not only to notice the procedures but also the beneficial.


In the defence field, the Indonesian National Army (TNI) shall be enhanced in its capability and professionalism. The development of TNI is aimed at developing it not only well-trained but also to make it have a high level of readiness for assignments. As the capability of the state's finances continues to grow, we will have to keep modernising our defence primary items of equipment. We strengthen a new tradition in the circles of the TNI ensuring that all of its ranks remain consistent in following the state's political policies that honour democratic principles, legal supremacy, respect for human rights, as well as comply with national laws and various ratified international conventions.


The assignment of TNI in non-war Military Operation, particularly in disaster emergency response, the TNI assignments to border areas in order to maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia; and the successful liberation of the commercial ship NV Sinar Kudus together with her 20 crew members that had been taken hostage by Somalian pirates; have become real examples of the preparedness of the entire TNI soldiers. All of those examples showed the TNI's consistency for their commitment towards the safety of nation, state, and Indonesian people.


Along with the betterment of the state's finances, we shall improve the quality of services and the citizen's access to education and health. For the sake of wider fairness, the government accords additional attention to the low-income citizens. In the past, low-income citizens often went through difficulties in accessing the basic services. Thank be to God, Alhamdulillah, such circumstances have changed. At this moment, I am able to ensure that all Indonesian citizens with low income have the rights to obtain decent health services and education provided by the government.  There should no longer be children - in their mandatory school age - who are unable to attend school. There should neither be underprivileged citizens who cannot obtain basic health services provided by the government. Therefore, I call on all government apparatus at national, provincial, regency and municipality level to ensure that this noble program can be effectively conducted.


Fellow countrymen,


We embrace a principle of development that is inclusive as well as sustainable - a principle that is built based on public trust that the outcome of development can be enjoyed by all Indonesian people without exception. We want to ensure that the outcome of development can be enjoyed by all Indonesian people. Development should not only benefit few people, because it is on contrary with development morality whose essence are based on Pancasila (Five Principle state ideology) and the 1945 Constitution.


Based on the philosophy and morality of the development which strongly oriented to human beings, the government encourage the development based on pillars which oriented to pro-growth, pro-job, and pro-poor. Since 2009, we added the fourth pillars, namely pro-environment. This pillar is very important to ensure that, in the long-term, the development that we conduct may meet the sustainability principle for the sake of a better future for us and for our descendants.


Therefore, from the very beginning, the government has decided to carry out two different approaches, yet complementary, in the efforts to create public prosperity in this country. The first approach is through the mechanism of economy. By this approach, the strong economical growth is encouraged, among others by expanding investment and increasing state expenditure. By the strong economical growth, it will create the expansion of job and business opportunity. The availability of job and business opportunity can bring an impact there are more citizens who can support their living. Through such economic mechanism, the increase of social welfare and the decline of poverty occur.


The second approach is based on government's role that provides the opportunities  for positive intervention of the government in order to participate directly in reducing poverty through various policies. Through the years, Pro-People programs or programs for poor people are kept continue in a larger number and with a wider spread. At this moment, the government divide support programs for poor people into four clusters. First cluster is a support program and social security that, among others, materialized in affordable rice for underpriviledged people (raskin), Aspiring Family Program, School Operational Support (BOS), and Publich Health Insurance or Jamkesmas.


The second cluster through the Self-Supporting National Community Empowerment Program (PNPM Mandiri).  The third cluster through the Small-Holder Business Credit (KUR). The fourth cluster that start effectively in 2012 and is carried on in stages includes some programs, namely affordable houses and very affordable houses, affordable public transportation, clean water for people, affordable and economical electricity, the increase of fishermen's live, and the increase of poor-urban's live. Through these four clusters, we all hope that, this policy can be the step of breakthrough that can fundamentally decrease poverty, as well as to strengthen people's economy.


Distinguished ladies and gentlemen,


In the field of foreign relations, the year 2011 is a very important and special year for our country. This year, we are once again entrusted to be the Chair of ASEAN. As the Chair of ASEAN, opportunities are wide open together with challenges. I do believe that our chairmanship of ASEAN would bring the number of responsibility and mandatory that is not easy to accomplish. Amongst the most important things, we must be able to give positive benefit in efforts to ASEAN's development in particular, and for the realization of the security stability in Asia regions. Based on that responsibility, we actively participate in conducting the mediation of the conflict that broke out between Cambodia and Thailand to solve border area dispute. Under our chairmanship, ASEAN and People's Republic China agreed to the guidelines on the Code of Conduct related to the conflict in the South China Sea.


Indonesia's role as the Chair of ASEAN also gives an opportunity to give contribution to ensure the readiness of member countries for the realization of the ASEAN Community by 2015. We are actively encouraging community involvement in various activities while promoting people-to-people contacts among communities of ASEAN member countries. We undertake all those efforts to ensure that ASEAN cooperation can bring benefits to its entire peoples.


We also want to ensure the consolidation of a new regional architecture towards the framework of the East Asia Summit. In this 2011, in addition to the 16 countries that have already joined the East Asia Summit - two countries will join the Summit, for the first time, the United States and Russia, two countries that have traditionally played important roles in the East Asian region.


In the international world, apart from continuing to take part in a number of major international organizations, we also make the most of our membership in the G-20 forum to ensure the enhancement of both our global and national economy. We would like to realize our aspiration of becoming an emerging economy by 2025, with a per capita income and with a far-higher economic value. We would also like to ensure that our role in this forum is able to synergize with the achievement of our reform goals at the domestic level: creating a clean and corruption-free government and upholding good governance principles. For that matter, we have taken several initiatives and played active roles in the financial working group, development working group, and anti-corruption working group within the G-20.


Our country, together with other countries, also continues to arrange strategy in solving and anticipating the global crisis that is possibly to happen. We actively participate to contribute ideology in determining global order and the solving of global problems that has impacted to developing countries, particularly food security, energy, and clean water. These steps are in line with Indonesia's most-outer role in struggling with the interests of developing countries in various international forums. Our country, together with like-minded countries, also continue to voice the significance of global governance management reform - including the UN - in order to make it more fair and to reflect the reality of the contemporary international world. In schemes of economy, we convince that the reformation of international monetary system can support the accomplishment of the development of global economy that is strong, balanced, and sustainable.


Distinguished ladies and gentlemen,


In implementing the agenda of - development for all -Starting from this year, we launched the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of the Indonesian Economic Development (MP3EI) in order to support the acceleration of development in all regions across the country. The MP3EI in fact constitutes a strategic breakthrough that was conceived through the joint initiatives of numerous parties. Moreover, the MP3EI is actually a product arising from the cooperation and partnership amongst the central government, the regional goverment, State-Owned Enterprises, the private sector, and the academia. 


Starting from this year, we are accelerating and expanding development in six economic corridors in the country in order to stimulate the emergence of economic centres in each corridor. In a time span of 15 years ahead, we are gradually developing industrial clusters, be it to improve connectivity between upstream and downstream industries, as well as connectivity between growth centres and their buffer areas. We shall build leading industries in various areas that would strengthen the domestic economic structure. We are offering precise incentives to business-circles and we are improving the investment climate in the regions.


Being a strategic breakthrough, the MP3EI also constitutes an answer to the development disparity that for a long time has become a trap that hinders the realization of equitable distribution of development in all corners of the homeland. Through the MP3EI, the affirmation that region is an integral part of national development, upheld even more.  This means that the advancement of a region is very meaningful for the national progress in a broader scope. MP3EI sets six economic corridors, namely: the Corridor of Sumatera, Kalimantan, Java, Sulawesi, Bali and Nusa Tenggara, and the Corridor of Papua-Maluku. The six economic corridors - in Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali and Nusa Tenggara, as well as Papua and Maluku - are designed to strengthen national connectivity that is locally integrated and globally connected (Locally Integrated; Globally Connected). Connectivity is the keyword to enhance economic connectivity between cities and villages, between cities and other city, and between developed and less-developed regions.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


In accordance with a high commitment to solidify decentralization and regional autonomy, we continue a fair and proportional fiscal decentralization. From year to year, the pattern of financial relations between the central and the regions have increasingly shifted and to a greater degree transferred to the regions. Many funds have been transferred either by the schemes of Equity Funds, Special Autonomy Funds, Adjustment Funds or by De-concentration Funds and Supporting Task schemes, which were all channelled through State Ministries or related Institutions. We are going to continue strengthening the special autonomy consolidation while continuing to improve its development management and strategy, be it in the provinces of Papua, West Papua or Aceh.


Within a ten-year period - since 1999 until 2009 - the number of autonomous regions formed reached up to 205 regions, consisting of 7 new regions in provincial level, 164 new regents,  and 34 new cities. Indonesia now possesses 33 provinces, 398 regents and 93 cities due to the adding. The changes have brought a number of serious consequences, in terms of the State Budget, particularly to the higher State's financial obligations. The development must be kept under-control so that eventually, the essential principal in conducting general governance and development in regions can guarantee effective public services, instead of the other way around: becoming a new public burden.


In accordance to that, the government has devised a Grand Design for the Structuring of the Regions in Indonesia for the 2010 - 2025 period. We all hope that this grand design will be beneficial to strengthen our nation's integration, to boost regional economic growth, and to improve public services for the people.


From the descriptions I have laid out, we have thoroughly examined various development targets that we would like to achieve, development challenges we are facing as well as all possible measures that we have and will do to overcome. God Willing, Insya Allah, later in the afternoon, in my state address on Draft State Budget for Fiscal Year 2012 and its Financial Notes, I will deliver the policy details, development programs and the budget descriptions.


Honourable Speaker, Vice Speakers and Members of the Regional Representatives Council of the Republic of Indonesia,

Honourable Speaker, Vice Speakers and Members of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia,

Fellow Countrymen,

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,


On this auspicious day, and God Willing filled with grace, I, as Head of State and Head of Government, from the deepest corners of my heart, would like to express my heartfelt gratitude and highest appreciation to all Heads of Region, starting from the Head of Village in the hinterland of Aceh to Papua, to the Governor in the capital city, for their hard work and dedication in developing this country. 


At this very moment when we are all gathered in this prestigious hall; in the furthest places, in remote places, in the hinterlands and border areas, as well as in Indonesia's outermost islands, there are our brothers and sisters who make their living as teachers, village midwives, agricultural counselling officers, heads of village, border controllers and whoever else, in order to provide services for all our people across the country. Some of them, have to travel from one village to another, from one island to another, from one valley to another, to fulfil their duties. In fact, they are all heroes of development who work in silence, imbued with sincerity beyond the call of their duties. Some of them who are high achievers and become paragons of virtue, are also present with us here in this august chamber.  We owe them gratitude. I am so proud of, we are all proud of and love, all of you.


Owing to our hard work and togetherness, at the beginning of this century, we manage to prove the world that Indonesia is an independent state that is able to stand tall and is ready to compete at the global stage. We also show the world that actually democracy, modernity, and religion can live side by side in harmony. In line with that, we are also able to prove that our country has managed to bind hundreds of diverse ethnic groups into a robust national unity based on the motto of Unity in Diversity (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika).           


Although challenges and threats to pluralism, tolerance and social harmony are lurking around us, we must not overturn our conviction that Indonesia is a plural nation. It is this conviction that we must defend without reservation. Above all, we are a nation that is proud of having Pancasila as the source of inspiration and strength for the establishment of our identity as Indonesians that is timeless and eternal.


This is the time to unite all the energies that we have for a country that is prosperous, democratic, and justice-imbued. Indeed, this is also the time to change, from having a negative outlook into a more positive one, from a pessimist into a more optimistic one, from being apprehensive into a more self-confident  one.


Let us use the occasion of the commemoration of the 66th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Independence of our beloved country to lift our spirit as an advanced, dignified and prosperous nation. Let us use this success of ours as a positive energy to face the challenges of development that is not easy. I also invite all elements of the nation to use the freedom rendered by democracy by prioritizing humanity, harmony tolerance and order.


Let us use the occasion of the commemoration of the 66th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Independence of our beloved country as a spirit to bring to completion the remaining tasks of development, while raising the achievement bar even higher.


Finally, in this graceful month of Ramadan, God the Almighty, Allah SWT, may bestow His blessings, mercy and grace to all of us in developing our nation and state into a great, advanced, just, prosperous and dignified nation.


Long Live the Republic of Indonesia!

I thank you,

Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.




Asisten Deputi Naskah dan Penerjemahan

Deputi Bidang Dukungan Kebijakan

Kementerian Sekretariat Negara RI